Kusama validator
Updated on May 26, 2024 at 5:10:05 pm CEST.
Stash: EH5FGHYTojzX4bjESXaaeniEM9t2SqephQVU4nPbeSBkqDA
Rank: 4
Commission: 0.0 %
Nb of faults: 0
Individual scores: statistics
Score | Explanation | Points |
SpanInclusion | Active for last 28 eras | 100.0/140 |
Inclusion | Active for last 84 eras | 100.0/140 |
Discovered | Join date in 1kv | 0.7/5 |
Nominated | Last time nominated by 1kv | 30.0/30 |
Rank | Rank in 1kv | 0.0/30 |
Bonded | Amount of self bond | 24.0/50 |
Faults | Number of on chain faults | 5.0/5 |
Offline | Offline during this week | 2.0/2 |
Location | Location shared by other validators | 8.9/40 |
Democracy | Consistency in voting at referenda | 0.0/100 |
Council | Bond for council elections | 12.5/50 |
Aggregate | Sum of all scores | 283.1/592 |
Randomness | Random positive multiplicative factor | 1.13/1.15 |
Score | Final score in 1kv | 321.0/681 |
Individual scores: history
Each dot is a new value given by the 1kv backend. Lines indicate no update. For all scores, higher is better.
Since the scoring backend of 1kv is being redesigned, some unexpected behaviors in the score can be expected. For example, around era 4300 the maximal inclusion score is increased from 100 to 140. This value can change again in the future.